Professor Pigga Keskitalo and doctoral student Laila Nutti from the University of Lapland traveled to the University of Prince Edward Island (UPEI) in Canada for a week. They met with Dr. Kathy Snow, who hosted their visit, along with her colleagues and students. UPEI is situated on the traditional lands of the Mi'kmaq people, the Indigenous...
The UArctic Thematic Network Teacher Education for Social Justice and Diversity and UNESCO/UNITWIN Network on Teacher Education for Social Justice and Diversity are two separate networks, but they have lots of commonalities.
Both networks focus on teacher education for different levels of education, with a specific focus on social justice and diversity in education. Inclusive education, indigenous education, education for social justice, equity and diversity, education in rural areas and digitalisation are important concepts for both networks. Due to similar interests, some network activities are organised in collaboration with these two networks.
UArctic Thematic Network on Teacher Education was established on 2015, under the auspices of UArctic and it has a strong focus on Arctic issues. In 2018, UNITWIN/UNESCO Network on Teacher Education was established to globally expand the cooperation already started within UArctic Thematic Network. UNITWIN/UNESCO network is not focused on one specific area, but it more different areas across the world with similar problems and issues - education for diverse learners, educational policies in rural areas, digitalisation and indigenous education.

Network Planning Group

Tuija Turunen
Professor, Dean, Network lead
Faculty of Education
University of Lapland
+358 40 484 4124

Satu-Maarit Korte
Dr., Senior researcher
Faculty of Education
University of Lapland
+358 40 484 4492

Pigga Keskitalo
Faculty of Education
University of Lapland
+358 40 484 4153

Outi Kyrö-Ämmälä
Dr., Vice-Dean, University lecturer
Faculty of Education
University of Lapland
+358 40 484 4120

Suvi Lakkala
Dr., University lecturer
Faculty of Education
University of Lapland
+358 40 484 4108

Erika Sarivaara
Dr., University lecturer
Faculty of Education
University of Lapland
+358 40 484 4250
Latest news
Facilitators: Heather Nicol, Trent University, Canada; Pigga Keskitalo, University of Lapland
New project ACCESS organises a conference on educational sciences on September 18-20, 2024
UArctic Thematic Network Teacher Education for Social Justice and Diversity has been awarded a project "Arctic Conference on Educational Sciences (ACCESS)" by UArctic project funding for Network Activities on Arctic Research and Education 2023.
Actuvirtual Symposium at the Johannesburg Institute for Advanced Study
The UArctic ConnectED project created an opportunity for a week of collaboration between the University of Aberdeen and UiT-The Arctic University of Norway in Tromsø. During the week of activities, several key themes came to the fore that contributed to our discussions and thinking about inclusive education, including: attitude to risk; roles,...
Authors: Amna Qureshi, Inker-Anni Linkola-Aikio and Dino Girardi