Culturally Responsive Education Conference: Call for Presenters

Culturally Responsive Education Conference provides educators and administrators with a deep understanding of culturally responsive education and equips them to transform their classrooms, pedagogy, and curriculum to fully support all students' success-especially those who have been historically underserved, disenfranchised, and marginalized by colonized systems.Educators, administrators, university faculty, and community members are all welcome and encouraged to attend.
Attendees will find engaging and informative sessions to support their thinking around culturally-responsive and sustaining pedagogies for K-12 and university settings, critical theory, place-based education, and possibilities for indigenizing curriculum and building safe social environments for all learners.
The conference is scheduled Aug. 11-13, and will be offered in person in Juneau, Alaska, with featured elements available virtually. The theme of this year's event is Haa Ḵusteeyí Yatsáakw ("Our Way of Life Persists"). (Our Cultural Landscape | Culturally Responsive Education Conference, August 5-7, 2021 (
Call for Presenters
Early childhood, K-12, university, and community educators are highly encouraged to submit proposals for presentations related to the following topics: Literacy, Language and Oral Stories, Mental and Physical Well Being, and Intergenerational Learning and Sharing. Review of proposals will begin on June 10, 2022. Our Cultural Landscape: Culturally Responsive Education Conference will be held at Juneau-Douglas Kalé High School and other Juneau locations August 11-13, 2022.
Read more at Call for Presenters | Our Cultural Landscape (